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Components let you easily reuse a piece of UI or styling consistently. Examples might include a link card or a YouTube embed. Starlight supports the use of components in MDX files and provides some common components for you to use.

Learn more about building components in the Astro Docs.

Using a component

You can use a component by importing it into your MDX file and then rendering it as a JSX tag. These look like HTML tags but start with an uppercase letter matching the name in your import statement:

title: Welcome to my docs
import SomeComponent from '../../components/SomeComponent.astro';
import AnotherComponent from '../../components/AnotherComponent.astro';
<SomeComponent prop="something" />
Components can also contain **nested content**.

Because Starlight is powered by Astro, you can add support for components built with any supported UI framework (React, Preact, Svelte, Vue, Solid, Lit, and Alpine) in your MDX files. Learn more about using components in MDX in the Astro docs.

Compatibility with Starlight’s styles

Starlight applies default styling to your Markdown content, for example adding margin between elements. If these styles conflict with your component’s appearance, set the not-content class on your component to disable them.

<div class="not-content">
<p>Not impacted by Starlight’s default content styling.</p>

Built-in components

Starlight provides some built-in components for common documentation use cases. These components are available from the @astrojs/starlight/components package.


You can display a tabbed interface using the <Tabs> and <TabItem> components. Each <TabItem> must have a label to display to users.

import { Tabs, TabItem } from '@astrojs/starlight/components';
<TabItem label="Stars">Sirius, Vega, Betelgeuse</TabItem>
<TabItem label="Moons">Io, Europa, Ganymede</TabItem>

The code above generates the following tabs on the page:

Sirius, Vega, Betelgeuse


You can display content in a box matching Starlight’s styles using the <Card> component. Wrap multiple cards in the <CardGrid> component to display cards side-by-side when there’s enough space.

A <Card> requires a title and can optionally include an icon attribute set to the name of one of Starlight’s built-in icons.

import { Card, CardGrid } from '@astrojs/starlight/components';
<Card title="Check this out">Interesting content you want to highlight.</Card>
<Card title="Stars" icon="star">
Sirius, Vega, Betelgeuse
<Card title="Moons" icon="moon">
Io, Europa, Ganymede

The code above generates the following on the page:

Check this out

Interesting content you want to highlight.


Sirius, Vega, Betelgeuse


Io, Europa, Ganymede

Use the <LinkCard> component to link prominently to different pages.

A <LinkCard> requires a title and an href attribute. You can optionally include a short description or other link attributes such as target.

Group multiple <LinkCard> components in <CardGrid> to display cards side-by-side when there’s enough space.

import { LinkCard, CardGrid } from '@astrojs/starlight/components';
title="Customizing Starlight"
description="Learn how to make your Starlight site your own with custom styles, fonts, and more."
<LinkCard title="Authoring Markdown" href="/guides/authoring-content/" />
<LinkCard title="Components" href="/guides/components/" />

The above code generates the following on the page:

Customizing StarlightLearn how to make your Starlight site your own with custom styles, fonts, and more.


Starlight provides a set of common icons that you can display in your content using the <Icon> component.

Each <Icon> requires a name and can optionally include a label, size, and color attribute.

import { Icon } from '@astrojs/starlight/components';
<Icon name="star" color="goldenrod" size="2rem" />

The code above generates the following on the page:

All icons

A list of all available icons is shown below with their associated names. Click an icon to copy the component code for it.